

U of I's web-based retention and advising tool provides an efficient way to guide and support 学生 on their road to graduation. 登录SlateConnect.



This standard addresses the authentication requirements for university accounts to ensure the confidentiality, 完整性, and availability of university data and technology resources. Varying requirements reflect the current mitigation with multi factor authentication (MFA) as well as known risks.



These standards establish password requirements for all university faculty, 工作人员, 学生, 附属机构访问, 存储, and processing UI data or using UI technology resources at any data classification level. 生效日期:2019年4月16日.


  1. Length and 过期 标准 for 个人帐户s
    1. 低风险(例如). Student) password requirements for length and expiration:
      身份验证因素 最小字符 过期
      仅与Duo Mobile或硬件因素有关 12个字符 不定
      支持所有MFA类型 12个字符 400天
    2. 中度风险(例如.大多数学院 & 工作人员) password requirements for length and expiration:
      身份验证因素 最小字符 过期
      仅与Duo Mobile或硬件因素有关 12个字符 不定
      支持所有MFA类型 12个字符 400天
    3. 高的风险 password requirements for length and expiration:
      身份验证因素 最小字符 过期
      仅与Duo Mobile或硬件因素有关 12个字符 1095天
      支持所有MFA类型 12个字符 90天
  2. Length and 过期 for Shared/Functional/特权帐户s
    1. Shared account password requirements for length and expiration:
      风险 身份验证因素 最小字符 过期
      仅与Duo Mobile或硬件因素有关 12个字符 不定
      支持所有MFA类型 12个字符 400天
      中度或高度 仅与Duo Mobile或硬件因素有关 12个字符 1095天
      中度或高度 支持所有MFA类型 12个字符 90天
    2. Functional account password requirements for length and expiration:
      风险 身份验证因素 最小字符 过期
      任何 仅与Duo Mobile或硬件因素有关 30个字符 1825天
      任何 MFA阻塞 30个字符 1825天
    3. Privileged account password requirements for length and expiration:
      风险 身份验证因素 最小字符 过期
      仅与Duo Mobile或硬件因素有关, or MFA阻塞 12个字符 400天
  3. Password aging, history, and dictionary requirements
    1. New passwords may be immediately changed after previous change.
    2. Password history, or limits on reuse of previous passwords:
      系统s must be configured to prevent re-use of at least the last 24 passwords. 哪里的系统不支持这个, the system must be reviewed and approved by the ITS 安全 Office and any identified risks appropriately mitigated.
    3. 词典要求:
      1. Standard dictionary checks on passwords are no longer required for individual UI passwords protected by MFA.
      2. 哪些系统支持这种使用, dictionaries of known bad passwords must be checked to prevent use of susceptible passwords.
  4. Multifactor authentication requirements for systems
    系统 Additional 身份验证因素 Required
    高的风险 是的
    适度的风险 是的,密码暴露在互联网上
    低风险 由系统所有者自行决定
  5. 当前支持的硬件因素
    1. HOTP tokens provided and assigned by ITS, including those branded by Duo or Feitian
    2. Universal 2nd Factor (U2F) tokens supported by Duo, including Yubikeys
  6. 移动设备, including mobile phones and tablets accessing or processing UI data, or providing local authentication to UI data classified as 中度或高度 risk, are required to enforce a PIN and/or biometric authenticator
    1. Mobile device password/PIN standards shall be:
      1. 至少6个数字或字符
      2. No allowed repeating or sequential PINs (i.e.、123456、999999等.)
      3. Automatically lock or erase after multiple bad authentication attempts
    2. ITS requires use of ITS-managed Application Protection, or Mobile Device Management to ensure security of UI data and meet this and other requirements, where data is processed at the 中度或高度 classification level.
    3. Where laptop computers are configured with ITS-approved biometric authentication, they shall also be required to meet ITS mobile device standards for authentication with PIN.
    4. Approved biometrics include, but are not limited to:
      1. 苹果面部识别或指纹
      2. Microsoft Hello Face ID or Fingerprint, including the convenience PIN
      3. Android生物识别技术



特权帐户 Individual account utilized for elevated access to systems or data, which may include authority to make changes to access permissions, 角色, 安全配置, 或其他用户的非公开数据. (APM 30.10)
个人帐户 Primary account assigned to a single individual for access to technology resources, 包括交互式登录到计算机, 电子邮件, VPN, 横幅, 或其他大学资源. (APM 30.10)
功能的账户 Account used by applications and processes and not interactively by end users. (APM 30.10)
共享账户 Account used or shared where multiple users know the password or otherwise use the account for interactive logon. (APM 30.10)
远程访问 Access to an information system communicating through an external network (Internet)
本地访问 Access to an information system directly and not through a network
多因素身份验证 Two or more factors to achieve authentication, including something you know (password); something you have (cryptographic device, hardware or software token); or something you are (biometric)
安全功能 Hardware and software of an information system responsible for enforcing system security controls or policy and supporting the isolation of code and data

*For further clarification, refer to APM or NIST sp800 - 171.


UI Information Technology 服务 (ITS) is responsible for the content and management of these standards.


版本 作者(年代) 日期 笔记
V1 M. 公园、维. 米勒,维. 雅各 3/6/19 标准文件原件.




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