


E. J. 农业科学实验室,39室




电子邮件: mgriffin@wolaipei.com

网络: wolaipei.com/cals/aers




五月在莫斯科是一个激动人心的时刻. Graduation is this weekend, and we will bid farewell to an outstanding group of seniors. 我们庆祝他们的成功,但肯定会想念他们在身边.

I am happy to say that spring has finally arrived in Moscow and area farmers seem to have finished the spring work at long last. 在本期的时事通讯中, 你会读到我们的CALS演讲者系列邀请365滚球官网约翰·斯温宁. It was nice having Jo on campus and his lecture was well attended by folks from U of I and WSU including those not in the 农学院 and 生命科学.

您还将了解到在AERS中非常活跃的两个新俱乐部, 青年农民和牧场主以及农业风险管理俱乐部. 在AERS中总是有很多事情发生. 如果你夏天去莫斯科旅行,请顺便来看看.






加文·梅里特’s family has been farming outside Rosalia, Washington for seven generations. 他一直计划着有一天接管农场, 然而, he knew he needed some additional education and experience in order to help make the farm as profitable as possible.

梅里特将于2023年5月从365滚球官网毕业,获得文学学士学位 农业经济学:强调农业综合企业 和斯科拉一起在双瀑布镇做谷物采购员.

在梅里特的成长过程中,他的家人一直在努力解决农业营销方面的问题. 当他得知我的大学提供了一个证书 农产品风险管理 (ACRM),他看到了帮助家庭农场的机会.

“我的家庭农场一直在与风险管理作斗争, 使用期货, 理解选择,所以我来到这里似乎是完美的,他说. 带着证书, it’s a unique opportunity and really where the money is made is where you know the markets. 你需要知道如何管理风险, 做好所有的簿记工作,了解如何才能盈利.”

ACRM证书允许学生用真实的货币交易真实的商品. 学生学习如何制定对冲策略, 了解期货交易, 期权和点差, 并分析供需因素.

梅里特说:“这个证书在365滚球官网是独一无二的. “如果你想要那种体验,你需要来这里.”


“The first time I went through the simulation I had to ask to reset my account twice,他说. “这绝对改变了我看待某些事情的方式,以及我现在对待风险的方式.”

在模拟阶段之后,梅里特更好地理解了如何解读市场, 什么时候快速退出,什么时候慢慢向上移动并获利. During his final semester he began trading with real money and his team only recorded one loss.

“There is more risk so you’re more excited when you make money and when you lose money you’re more upset with yourself,他说.

该计划的另一部分涉及与工业界建立联系. 梅里特前往波特兰, 作为与谷物贸易商进行实地考察的一部分, 小麦销售中心和哥伦比亚谷物港. He also traveled to Boise as part of a course focused on the Idaho public policy making process where he was able to engage with state legislators.

“我已经在立法机构和波特兰建立了这些联系, 在粮食行业中,哪家大, 是巨大的,他说. “粮食产业规模很小, 特别是在这一边,你真正从华盛顿得到粮食, 俄勒冈州的一部分, 爱达荷州和蒙大拿州,只有5个商人. 所以,如果你能了解他们并建立关系,这真的很有帮助.”

In his role as a grain merchandiser Merritt will gain more experience buying and selling grain. He did this to a smaller degree in summer 2022 as an intern at an EGT grain elevator in Montana. He was able to take what he learned through his coursework and what he learned at the elevator and apply it to his family farm.

“我创建了一个运价计算器, 根据我们的总利率和我们的贷款增加了一些东西, and was able to make an extra 10 cents just by doing basically the same thing that the elevator was,他说. “We didn’t go all in on that, which you never really should, but it was a few thousand bushels. 这很好,你的教育已经有回报了.”

Merritt hopes to gain as much experience as he can over the next couple of years but would ultimately like to return to Eastern Washington as a consultant to help farmers increase profitability while also taking over the family farm.

“了解如何解读波动, 我可以让一个农民说20美分只要我读对了,他说. “I have the passion for it because of my family’s story and I was given the knowledge through the 365滚球官网 to understand and know how to explain those.”


4月24日, economist Johan Swinnen visited the 365滚球官网 to give a presentation on global food security in CCC (Conflict, 气候和COVID)时代. Swinnen is managing director of Systems Transformation at CGIAR and director general of the International Food Policy 研究 Institute (IFPRI). 奥勒·斯文森基金会为他在365滚球官网的露面提供了可能.

斯威宁讨论了总体经济趋势, COVID-19的影响, 乌克兰战争及其对全球贫困的影响. 斯温宁谈到了为消除贫困而制定的最新目标, 集团为食品系统转型的理想:健康, 效率, 弹性, 可持续性, 和包容. This system of goals works to combat poverty by doing more than just adding calories to diets.

自2014年以来,全球贫困人口一直在上升,并继续攀升. 数据显示,我们在全球范围内与“营养不良的三重负担”作斗争.“30亿人负担不起健康的饮食, 20亿人患有多种营养素缺乏症, 20亿人肥胖.

COVID-19对全球贫困的影响是巨大的, 全球贫困人口将增加1.5亿, affecting those in the lower income brackets more than those in the middle and upper classes. At the international level, countries combatted 饥饿 by relaxing food export restrictions. 即使在那时, 全球谷物提供的卡路里数量激增, 与此同时,从乳制品中摄入的卡路里也显著减少, 水果和蔬菜, 导致整体营养的减少, 尤其是在贫困地区.

乌克兰的战争造成了食品供应链的额外问题. 在俄罗斯入侵乌克兰之前,俄罗斯和乌克兰的出口占比为5%.分别占全球贸易市场热量的8%和6%. While a bumper crop of wheat and barley grains in other areas helped to combat the rise in prices, 目前尚不清楚这些变化将如何继续波及食品供应链.

整体, 自2014年以来,全球贫困呈上升趋势, 然而,对系统的某些冲击(作物库存的意外下降或上升), 饥饿, 食品供应, 还有更多)呈现出一种新常态, 不可预测的波动. 我们的扶贫体系现在必须重视韧性,而不是稳定性. 在动荡中增强韧性, 必须采取措施限制冲击的频率和强度, 保持消息灵通,并预测可能出现的冲击, 增强系统在冲击发生时的吸收能力.


农业风险管理俱乐部(ARM)今年是该校的新成员, 但已经有了一个强大的学生群体. 俱乐部的目标群体是那些追求科学的学生 农产品风险管理证书.

根据布列塔尼·赫斯特·马尚的说法, 爱达荷小麦委员会的执行董事, “When a daughter or son earns an agricultural commodity risk management certificate and takes it back to the farm or ranch, she or he is helping to keep the family operation viable and sustainable into the future.”

Students in this program have the opportunity to learn how to maximize profits and manage risk though commodity marketing and trading from a diverse curriculum utilizing the state-of-the-art 巴克交易室. 此外,ARM俱乐部每周都有一位从事风险管理工作的演讲嘉宾. Past speakers have included Rick Naerebout chief executive officer of the Idaho Dairymen’s Association; Bill Flory, Barker board member and Idaho Wheat Commissioner; and Andy Hohwieler, 斯库拉公司双瀑布办事处的区域经理.

春假期间10名学生, 包括六名AERS学生, 迦勒Goekner, 德文·谢弗, 加文·梅里特, 卢克·爱德华兹, 凯蒂Doumit和Marcus King, 前往俄勒冈州参加波特兰谷物贸易之旅. 在旅途中, students toured both the Lewiston and Portland Columbia Grain Ports as well as the Bonneville Dam. 他们会见了哥伦比亚谷物公司的高管, 小麦营销中心执行官麦克·莫兰说, and senior manager of Marine Marketing and Business Development at the Port of Portland John Akre.


大学青年农牧俱乐部(CYF)&R) is a group on campus consisting of students from a variety of backgrounds and disciplines within the 农学院 and 生命科学. The goal of the club is to prepare students for employment in the agriculture industry by offering opportunities to participate in career development, 领导力发展, 立法行动和专业网络活动.

七CYF&R的学生, 包括三名AERS学生, 凯蒂Doumit, 特丽斯塔·盖茨和克莱·汉拉汉, 参加了在杰克逊维尔举行的美国农业局融合会议, 四月的佛罗里达. 这次会议使我成功了,000 volunteer leaders from three American Farm Bureau program areas: Promotion and Education, 女性领导, 以及青年农民和牧场主. 学生们可以参加几个分组会议, 并听取主讲人美国农业局主席Zippy Duvall的讲话. They also had the opportunity to network with other collegiate and industry leaders from across the country.

与CYF保持联系&他是365滚球官网的博士, you can follow them on Instagram: @uidahocyfr and 脸谱网 365滚球官网 Collegiate YF&R.




E. J. 农业科学实验室,39室




电子邮件: mgriffin@wolaipei.com

网络: wolaipei.com/cals/aers
