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Semester In The Wild Faculty

Andrew Armstrong
Andrew Armstrong

Andrew Armstrong – Superintendent Taylor Wilderness Research Station

从2021年开始,安德鲁·阿姆斯特朗全职回到泰勒牧场担任站长.   He received a B.S. in Environmental Engineering from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. 此前,他曾在爱达荷州和海外从事可再生能源和净零建设工作.  He received his PhD in Materials Science from Boise State University in 2020.  Andrew first visited Taylor Ranch back in 1999, 而一个年轻人则在他家的小径建筑和偏远地区的简易机场建筑公司工作.  安德鲁支持泰勒的科学工作,同时保持设施运行并做相关的牧场工作.

Kerri Clement
Kerri Clement

Kerri Clement – Professor of History

Kerri Keller Clement specializes in the history of the American West, in particular, animal, agricultural and environmental history, Critical Indigenous Studies, digital humanities, and National Parks history. 她目前的著作研究着眼于20世纪蒙大拿州和黄石地区的土著和定居者边境地区的人畜共患病和动物. Kerri also works on energy history and justice projects in Montana. She has worked in outdoor recreation, as well as a 5-12 educator. That work and her own time in the “great outdoors,的问题,激发了他对落基山脉西部环境历史和主题的研究和教学的热情.

At Semester in the Wild, she teaches Environmental History, 其中包括关于过去几个世纪美国公共土地的创造和管理的主题, especially in the American West. 通过这些主题,学生也学习和磨练有价值的研究和写作技巧. Students can expect to read primary and secondary sources, write short reflections over those sources and discuss them in class, as well as conducting their own historical research and analysis. 本课程集中于美国历史上关于自然定义的观念的变化, how the non-human world has affected those changes, and how those changes affect human society and systems like policy, regulations, etc.

Brian Kennedy
Brian Kennedy

Brian Kennedy – Professor of Fishery Biology and Ecology

I am an aquatic ecologist with interests in rivers, 鱼类种群和发生在河流和河岸群落的生态相互作用. 18年前,在五大湖工作了一段时间后,我开始在鱼类和野生动物科学系担任教职, 佛蒙特州青山的河流和热带巴布亚新几内亚的水生栖息地. At the University of Idaho, 我是生物科学系和地质科学系的副教授,并参与了水资源项目, Environmental Sciences and Ecology & Conservation Biology. 2005年,我和研究生们在爱达荷州开始的第一个项目是基于大溪和泰勒荒野研究站. The rivers and salmon had such an impact on me that we have worked there ever since, studying Chinook salmon populations, building infrastructure at Taylor, and conceiving of the Semester in the Wild program on a drive from McCall in 2010. 我们了解了居住在盆地顶部的居民,那里是鲑鱼产卵的地方,并在2015年将他们与河上的财产结合起来,以便能够享受森林, lakes, and wildlife of the Big Creek watershed all year round.

Jennifer Ladino

Jennifer Ladino - Professor of English

简·拉迪诺自2010年以来一直在365滚球官网教授美国文学和环境人文学科课程. Happiest when she’s adventuring or traveling (or both), Jenn worked as a National Park Service ranger for thirteen summers, 所有这些都在大提顿国家公园——正是在这里,她开始爱上了西部。20岁时,她因一时兴起的浪漫念头接受了一份入口车站的工作,并发现自己从弗吉尼亚州搬到了怀俄明州. Jenn has been a Fulbright Lecturer at the University of Bergen, in Norway, and a Visiting Fellow at Bath Spa University, in England. Her two monographs, Memorials Matter: Emotion, Environment, and Public Memory at American Historical Sites (U Nevada P, 《365滚球官网》(弗吉尼亚P, 2012), and her co-edited volume of essays, called Affective Ecocriticism: Emotion, Embodiment, Environment (U Nebraska P, 2018), reflect her interests in memory, landscape, NPS tourism, and emotions about place. Jenn is core faculty in Environmental Science, and she co-directs The Confluence Lab, a research lab that focuses on creative, interdisciplinary approaches to environmental change in rural areas.

At Semester in the Wild, Jenn teaches environmental writing, 这门课程通过鼓励多感官观察,丰富了在这个美丽的荒野365滚球官网和学习的经验, exploration, and a regular habit of writing about our experiences. The course recognizes that we write in many different modes—from emails, texts, 和Snapchats到较长的文章和叙述-学生将有机会练习多种“组合”关系的方式. Like all good writers, we'll read a lot, 学生们将会看到一些从二十世纪中期到现在最好的环境写作, including nonfiction, fiction, poetry, and expository prose. 该课程的主要目标是让学生掌握丰富的写作技巧,帮助他们在各种情况下(包括未来的职业生涯中)与各种受众进行有效的沟通.

gary thompson
Gary Thompson

Gary Thompson - Adjunct Instructor, Outdoor Leadership

Everybody leads–is the belief that has propelled Gary through his 25-year career. His key professional experiences include:

  • Leading wilderness expeditions in the US, Canada, and Argentina
  • Working alongside others to develop the University of Idaho’s McCall Outdoor Science School 
  • Instructing leadership for National Outdoor Leadership School (NOLS)
  • Running a leadership development and collaborative facilitation service–Redfish | Bluefish, Inc.

He also works as a licensed ski guide and avalanche educator for Payette Powder Guides.

At Semester in the Wild he teaches the Outdoor Leadership Expedition. This expedition-based course will explore the practice of leadership, using the wilderness experience as the classroom. Topics include trip planning, small group dynamics, decision-making, communication, and expedition behavior. Examining leadership theory, modeling leadership techniques, written assignments, and backcountry skill development are used to support learning.

Jaap Vos
Jaap Vos

Jaap Vos - Professor of Planning and Natural Resources

Jaap Vos is a professor of planning and natural resources. 出生在一个小农舍,在荷兰的一个小乡村长大, Jaap对农村地区以及如何保持农村地区而不是等待成为城市的地方很感兴趣. 他的研究主要集中在农村如何在发展压力和外部压力增加的情况下保持自己的独特性.  在过去一年左右的时间里,Jaap一直在研究人口变化对农村地区和我们用来娱乐的地方的影响. 他最近的一个项目是绘制整个爱达荷州不断变化的土地所有权模式.

Jaap教授有关社区规划、可持续社区和农村规划问题的课程. 他还教授社区评估课程和西北社区发展研究所的高级课程. He is the founding co-chair of APA Idaho’s Ag Chat, 一群来自爱达荷州各地的规划师和其他利益相关者每月开会讨论农村社区新出现的规划问题.

At Semester in the Wild, he teaches Principles of Sustainability. In this course, 我们将讨论可持续发展的概念及其作为规划和政策的主要概念的承诺和缺陷. 本课程提供了一个关于可持续发展的文献之旅,并试图对可持续性的不同解释进行概述. 思考可持续发展,而在泰勒提供了一个机会来思考可持续发展,没有正常的生活分心. 没有别的课要上,没有别的地方要去,没有别的事情要做. So what does sustainable development really mean? Is it the same as sustainability? How does wilderness fit in?

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