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MS 2030 



电子邮件: safety@wolaipei.com




Any person who wishes to use radioactive materials shall first obtain authorization from the 辐射安全 委员会. 遵循第300部分格式的书面请求.应经由辐射安全主任提交辐射安全委员会. The request will be reviewed by the radiation safety officer prior to any action taken by the 辐射安全 委员会. 


  1. 第1节-用户信息-提供以下信息.
    1. 名字
    2. 部门
    3. 办公室
    4. 电话号码
  2. Section 2 - Type and Maximum Quantity of Radioactive Material(s) Requested - List each radioisotope and the possession limit required. Please be reasonable in requesting possession limits but also allow enough to cover the storage of waste and for 收购 of new material.
  3. Section 3 - Description of Intended Use of Radioactive Materials - The description must include sufficient detail so that the 辐射安全 委员会 will have a clear understanding of the intended use. Detailed protocols and experimental procedures no longer than three pages each may be included as appendices in the application. 不包括出版物的重印. Please be careful not to use language, jargon or phrases that are specific to your type of research.
  4. 第4节-人事, 经验和培训-列出所有人员, 包括你自己, 员工, 和学生, 使用放射性物质时谁会在场. 有关用户类别的定义和规则,请参阅第600部分. 列出每个人的用户状态. 对于授权用户和一般监督用户,包括每个用户的培训和经验.
  5. Section 5 - Location of Use - List all locations where radioactive materials will be used and whether they will be a restricted or unrestricted area (please refer to Part 305 for an explanation of restricted versus unrestricted areas). 指出哪些房间将是主要的使用区域, 哪些是存储地点, 哪些区域是设备间, 哪些区域的使用最少. 也, 包括对设施(通风柜)的描述, 冰柜、冰箱, 其他可用的设备,将用于放射性物质的研究.
    注1:工作场所, 工作空间, room or laboratory where radioactive materials are used is defined as the entire space enclosed by fire-resistive boundaries.
    注2:某些房间或区域可由多个授权用户使用. 在这些情况下, 所有用户必须维护一个中央使用日志,以标识用户。, 描述已执行的活动, 并记录时间和日期. Applicants must indicate in their applications if they will be using radioactive materials in a multi-user space. The radiation safety officer or designee can be contacted to determine if a space is being used by another user(s).
  6. Section 6 - Radiation Detection Instrumentation - Include a description of the types of radiation detection instrumentation that will be used for analysis, 测量及人员监察. 如果适用,请按制造商、型号和检测器类型列出仪器.
  7. Section 7 - 废物处理 and Storage - Describe the type(s) of waste material that will be generated, 与废物有关的化学或生物特性, 以及处理方法. 有关废物处置的资料,请参阅第340部.
  8. Section 8 - Personnel 安全 - Indicate 如果有任何 personnel monitoring or bioassays are required and for what isotopes. Describe any special monitoring or safety practices that would be necessary for the types of activities conducted. 请说明放射性物质的进入途径(例如.g.、皮肤接触/吸收、食入、吸入等.)和辐射暴露以及如何保护人员(e.g.、个人防护装备、通风柜、安全装置等.).
  9. 第9节-签名和日期-授权用户必须在申请表上签名并注明日期. 通过签名应用程序, each authorized user affirms that he/she has read the University of Idaho 辐射安全手册 and is aware of the requirements for using radioactive materials.


系主任和学院院长也必须审查并签署申请. Approval by the department chair and college dean affirms that he/she is aware of the research being conducted by the authorized user and that adequate facilities and equipment are available for this type of research. 部门al and college approval also affirms that if the authorized user is unable to pay any costs resulting from the use, 收购, 贮存放射性物质(如.g.、辞职或终止聘用、教学或科研经费不足等.),院系和/或学院有义务支付这些费用.


The applicant will submit one copy of the Application To Use Radioactive Materials with original signatures to the radiation safety officer. The radiation safety officer will evaluate the application prior to review by the 辐射安全 委员会 and recommend changes or corrections, 如果有任何, 致申请人.


  1. 委员会须覆核每宗申请,并确定:
    1. 申请人受过适当的培训, 经验, facilities and equipment to safely use and/or conduct experiments involving radioactive materials;
    2. Adequate operating and handling precautions are taken by the applicant; and
    3. 工作人员和公众的安全受到保护.
  2. 在作出决定之前,委员会可能会要求申请人提供更多信息. 辐射安全委员会的决定是最终决定.
  3. The committee shall notify the applicant in writing of the disposition of the application and shall specify terms under which the use of radioactive materials is authorized.
  4. The committee shall also provide to the radiation safety officer any instructions for personnel monitoring, 测量, 须张贴警示标志, 等.它认为适当的,并按照核管理委员会条例的要求.
  5. 申请使用放射性物质,经辐射安全委员会批准后, the authorized user shall receive a Radioactive Materials Authorization Form RSM-1M and a unique authorization number.


Users who have been authorized to use radioactive materials must amend their authorization whenever there will be a change in the use of the radioactive materials. 这些变化包括但不限于以下内容:

  1. 放射性物质类型的变化.
  2. 放射性物质拥有限度的变化.
  3. Changes in the intended use of a radioactive material (if the user is in doubt about what is a change in the intended use, 请联络辐射安全主任或澄清).
  4. 放射性物质使用地点的变化.
  5. 单个用户状态的变化(例如.g.,从直接监督用户到一般监督用户).
  6. 废物处理方法的改变.

The user must request and receive approval from the 辐射安全 委员会 prior to initiating the change.

The radiation safety officer is allowed to approve changes in the possession limit of a previously approved radioisotope, 使用地点的变化, 液体放射性废物处置限制的变化, 以及单个用户状态的变化. This approval will only be temporary until acted upon by the 辐射安全 委员会 at the next scheduled committee meeting.


辐射安全委员会发出的授权有效期为三年. 续期授权, the user shall submit a full application to the 辐射安全 委员会 via the radiation safety officer thirty days prior to the stated expiration date. The renewal application must include a cover page summarizing any changes from the previous application. 除了, the user may reference in the renewal application previously submitted experimental protocols and procedures if there have been no changes.


MS 2030 



电子邮件: safety@wolaipei.com
