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Student Organizations

The 多元文化事务办公室 is proud to work with and support a large and growing number of student clubs and organizations. 这些组织由学生管理和领导, and range from clubs affiliated by ethnic identity and/or academic area to national sororities and fraternal organizations.

Organizations host events and provide opportunities to develop leadership skills and influence campus activities.

All organizations and Multicultural Greek Council 成员由UNITY代表, 促进和支持每个组织的使命和活动的伞形组织. 它共享有关成员事件的信息, 合作的机会,并作为这些团结和多样化群体的倡导者. 了解更多关于UNITY下面.

Explore Organizations

The University of Idaho African Students Association is an international student group that aims to promote and preserve the cultural heritage of Africa.

Contact Information

Instagram: instagram.com/asa_uidaho/

亚太裔美国人协会是由, but not limited to, 亚裔美籍太平洋岛民后裔的学生. AAPIA is dedicated to multiculturalism on campus and throughout the community by informing others of the traditional and modern culture of Asian American Pacific Islanders through fun and educational opportunities.

Contact Information

Instagram: instagram.com/aapiavandal/

The 美国拉丁裔专业人士协会 (ALPFA) provides members with professional tools and skills necessary to survive and succeed in the corporate world. 该协会是学术和职业机会的信息中心, 将成员置于适合成功的环境中.

ALPFA作为一种机制,将学生的需求和问题传达给商业和经济学院. 它使学生能够在学术和文化上提高自己.

Contact Information:

Instagram: instagram.com/alpfaui/

National Website: alpfa.org

黑人学生会(BSU)的宗旨是支持黑人学生的进步, 促进学生之间的平等和团结, 庆祝黑人遗产,并提供一个学生可以见面和公开讨论的社会氛围. BSU is open to all students.

Contact Information:

Email: blackstudentunionui@gmail.com

Facebook: facebook.com/BlackStudentUnionUI

Instagram: instagram.com/uidaho_bsu/

大学援助移民计划学生组织' (CAMPOS) purpose is to get involved with ASUI activities, 通过社区服务向社区伸出援手, keep former and current College Assistance Migrant Program students involved in cultural activities and serve as a support system for all students.

Annual Events

  • 塞萨尔·查韦斯全国献血活动
  • Cesar Chavez Celebration

Contact Information:

这个学生组织目前不活跃. 如果你有兴趣帮助重建它,请发邮件 oma@wolaipei.com

The mission of the 性别与性联盟 (GSA) is to promote a positive and inclusive atmosphere for all people. The GSA strives to encourage individual growth and understanding by improving visibility and providing support for LGBTQ people and their straight allies.

Annual Events

  • 欢迎回到冰淇淋社交
  • National Coming Out Day
  • 跨性别纪念日
  • Freedom to Marry Week
  • 一个的力量:酷儿领导会议
  • National Day of Silence
  • Queer Prom

Contact Information

Email: UIGSA@wolaipei.com

Instagram: instagram.com/ui.gsa/

Movimiento Activista Social’s (MAS) mission is to promote and build equal and just communities in Idaho that appreciate the worth and value of all humans. 目标是以社会公正为基础的, human rights, immigrant rights, gender and racial equity, 以及文化意识和公平接受教育的机会.

Annual Events

  • El Color de Nuestra Tiera
  • May 1 Rally
  • Women of Juarez
  • Voter Registration

Contact Information

Email: mas@wolaipei.com

Facebook: facebook.com/MAS.UIDAHO/

Instagram: instagram.com/mas_uidaho/

美国原住民学生协会(NASA)是一个活跃的365滚球官网组织,致力于提供帮助, 加强和丰富美国原住民学生的教育经验. NASA向所有希望参与其中并了解更多美洲原住民文化和问题的学生开放. 学生成员每两周聚会一次,并全年赞助社交活动. 在春季学期,NASA举办了一年一度的Tutxinmepu Powwow.  NASA将于周三下午5:30在美国原住民学生中心召开会议.

Contact Information

Email: ssamuels@wolaipei.com

Facebook: facebook.com/native.vandal.1

Instagram: instagram.com/uinativecenter/

The 全国黑人工程师协会 (NSBE-UI) is on an unremitting mission to develop and implement programs to advance the Inland Northwest's interest in various engineering disciplines and increase the number of undergraduate and graduate minority students studying science or engineering in our community and at U of I.

We try to reach back into the community and lend a helping hand in the same manner in which we were once assisted.

Contact Information

Email: ijez6788@vandals.wolaipei.com

Facebook: facebook.com/nsbeuidaho/

Instagram: instagram.com/nsbe_uidaho/

National Website: nsbe.org

Organización拉丁美洲学生 (OELA) is dedicated to increasing the enrollment and retention of Latino students at institutions of higher education as part of a vision to increase the representation of Latinos in industry and education.

OELA works to inform others of the challenges Latino students face on campus today and share successful strategies to increase retention and graduation rates for such students. In addition, OELA strives to share a culture built on a rich tradition of respect and understanding as it helps pave the road for academic excellence for its members and participants of its programs.

OELA在学年期间参与了许多活动, 它最受认可和获奖的活动是 汪达尔挑战领导力会议.

Contact Information

Email: oela@wolaipei.com

Instagram: instagram.com/oelaui/

Sabor de la Raza是一个由365滚球官网学生和社区成员组成的墨西哥民俗舞蹈团.

The group's goal is to participate in ASUI and community events to provide the University of Idaho and the Palouse community with the opportunity to engage in and experience all aspects of Mexican culture. 通过民间歌舞表演, cultural festivities, among other events, Sabor de la Raza intends to raise awareness of Mexican culture while bringing historical and cultural background into context.

Contact Information

这个学生组织目前不活跃. 如果你有兴趣帮助重建它,请发邮件 oma@wolaipei.com.

365滚球官网奇卡诺/西班牙裔促进协会的重点 & Native Americans in Science​ (SACNAS) chapter is to connect students with opportunities to get involved with undergraduate research and to attend the national SACNAS conferences.​

Contact Information

National Website: uisacnas.weebly.com/

The 西班牙裔专业工程师协会 (SHPE) at the University of Idaho is an organization that helps STEM major students with professional skills, academic goals, 社交网络和减压方式.

Contact Information

Instagram: instagram.com/uishpe/

The purpose of TRIO Club is to grow the TRIO family through student leadership and opportunities for involvement.​

Contact Information

Instagram: instagram.com/trioclub_ui/

UNITY是一个伞形组织,包括来自17个多元文化学生组织的成员, 包括文化俱乐部, academic, and dance emphasis, 以及多元文化的希腊组织.

UNITY promotes and supports multicultural organizations' missions and activities to share information about member events, provide opportunities for collaboration and advocate on behalf of these united and diverse clubs and organizations.

Mission Statement
UNITY的存在通过多元文化事务办公室的支持和资源来创造活力, engaging and constructive dialogue among diverse clubs and underrepresented populations at the University of Idaho. UNITY seeks to advocate understanding by creating a campus environment that commits to and acknowledges our deepest convictions through active participation across lines of differences.

Annual Events

  • UNITY领导力研修(秋季学期)
  • 丰收晚宴(秋季学期)
  • OMA & UNITY年终宴会(春季学期)

UNITY Member Organizations

  • 亚太裔美国人协会
  • 美国拉丁裔专业人士协会 Black Student Union (ALPA)
  • 大学生援助移民计划组织(CAMPOS)
  • Gamma Alpha Omega
  • 性别与性协会
  • Lambda Theta Phi的有意者
  • Lambda Theta Alpha
  • Lambda Theta Phi
  • Movimiento Activista Social
  • 美国原住民学生协会(NASA)
  • 全国黑人工程师学会
  • Omega Delta Phi
  • 拉丁美洲学生组织(OELA)
  • Sabor de la Raza
  • Sigma Lambda Beta
  • Sigma Lambda Gamma

Contact Information:

Email: agonzalez@wolaipei.com

Multicultural Greek Council

Six nationally recognized chapters uniting member organizations to share ideas and provide support for students.

Go Greek

Contact Us

Teaching & Learning Center Room 230

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Dr. MS 2439
Moscow, ID 83844-2439

Phone: 208-885-7716

Fax: 208-885-9494

Email: oma@wolaipei.com

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