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Office of the Registrar

Physical Address:
Bruce M. Pitman Center
Room 119

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Dr MS 4260
莫斯科, ID 83844-4260
Phone: 208-885-6731
Fax: 208-885-9061


University Curriculum Committee (UCC)对涉及课程和学术政策的目录变更进行审查并采取行动. UCC还建议有关入学的政策和程序, advising, and registration of students.  教师 members from each college serve on UCC. UCC批准的常规目录更改可在 General Curriculum Reports.


需要更新学位和/或专业课程的学生必须提交申请; see instructions.

继续教育单位(CEU)是非学术单位,用以认可短期学习经验, such as conferences, seminars, or other short programs, 以有组织的形式呈现给中学以上水平的学习者. CEU不是学术学分,也不被认为是教师资格认证的专业发展.

Units are awarded based upon contact hours of participation; 10 contact hours equals 1 CEU. Regulation D-5 in the General 目录教师-工作人员 Handbook Section 4250 describe continuing education units in detail. 学生不得在同一学习活动中获得继续教育单位和学分.

CEU可以由学术部门提供,也可以由提供培训研讨会的专业机构提供. CEU被指定为相应学科的001号.

How to Request a CEU

  1. 提供培训的学术部门或机构完成 CEU Request form 并报学校相应学术部门批准.
  2. Once approved by the College the form is submitted to the Registrar; must be a minimum of 2 weeks prior to the first meeting date.
  3. 注册官将生成一个学期的注册号(CRN),并通过电子邮件通知协调员,并向希望获得CEU的参与者提供注册说明.

Registration and Awarding of CEU

  1. 每位希望获得CEU的参与者必须填写并向注册官提交CEU登记表以及总注册费. 
  2. 在每个参与者注册并完成课程后,教练必须 enter a grade to confirm satisfactory completion (S). 成绩 are due within 72 hours after end of the program.
  3. CEU will be recorded on a transcript upon completion; the university does not provide certificates of completion for CEU programs.
  4. 需要确认CEU的参加者可索取其正式成绩单副本.

这所大学提供各种学科的学位证书. 学术证书是一个连贯的工作体系,旨在反映专业知识. 学历证书的课程要求可以在目录第5部分的相关部门找到. 以下政策和程序已被采纳,供希望提供导致学术证书的课程的学术部门使用:

  • At least 12 credits of coursework.
  • 所需的六个学分可以在另一个地区认可的机构完成的工作中得到认可.
  • 课程作业不得超过五年,除非它与完成研究生学位同时使用.
  • 除非另有规定,课程成绩必须达到C或以上(有些证书要求达到B或以上)。.
  • In order to enroll in 500-level courses, 学生必须持有地区认可机构的本科学位,并获得2.累积平均绩点为80或符合资格的本科高年级学生(见规则B-8和目录第三部分的研究生院部分).

Student Eligibility and Declaration

目前入学的本科生或研究生可以通过联系提供学术证书的学术部门来获得学术证书, 并向教务处递交课程更改表格.

New students wishing to pursue Academic Certificates must apply for admission根据学历证书,可以是本科或研究生.


Student Completion

To apply for an academic certificate an application of completion must be submitted to the college in which the certificate is offered; see regulation O-3 in the 目录 for application deadlines. 学院将核实学生是否符合最低标准,并将申请转发给注册主任确认. 学生必须有良好的学术成绩才能获得学术证书. 学业证书的完成将根据所提供证书的级别重新记录在学生的研究生或本科成绩单上. 注册主任将在学期结束后大约八周将学术证书邮寄给学生.

Office of the Registrar

Physical Address:
Bruce M. Pitman Center
Room 119

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Dr MS 4260
莫斯科, ID 83844-4260
Phone: 208-885-6731
Fax: 208-885-9061