

莫斯科,ID 83844



星期一至星期五:早上7:30.m. 到下午4:30.m.

星期一至星期五:上午8点.m. 至5点.m.



电子邮件: hr@wolaipei.com




的 recruitment process involves developing and finalizing the job description, 为职位做广告, screening and interviewing applications and selecting a final candidate.


  • EO/AA Coordinators are assigned to their role by a hiring authority. 的 EO/AAC’s are the first line of review and involved in all stages of the recruitment and hiring process. EO/AAC’s  work with the hiring authority and search committee to adequately document all recruitment and hiring processes. 查看当前EO/AA协调员名单.
  • 的 人力资源 Department reviews position descriptions and computes target salaries for classified and exempt staff employees. 有问题可以直接问 hr-classcomp@wolaipei.com.

  • 的 招聘 Operations Lead in 人力资源 serves as a consultant to users of the recruiting system, PeopleAdmin, 还能提供招聘流程方面的信息. 如有任何问题,请致电885-3611或 employment@wolaipei.com.
  • Employment Equity and Compliance is charged with oversight and monitoring affirmative action and equal opportunity compliance in the recruitment and hiring processes. 的y are the university resource for recruitment and hiring strategy, and oversee search committee activity to ensure a fair and equitable recruitment and hiring process. 有问题可直接问 eo-aareview@wolaipei.com.


A department may have had a resignation or needs to hire a new employee due to a new project or increased volume. 一旦确定有招聘的需要, the unit should secure executive approval from the appropriate executive level and keep it on file at the unit level. 的re should also be documented hiring moratorium approval, if applicable.

的 supervisor of the position should create or update the job description as needed. 的 following resources are available for job description development:

一旦职位描述被开发或更新, 是时候在PeopleAdmin中启动一个操作了. An action allows a unit to create a new position description or modify an existing one while ensuring necessary review has taken place at all levels. 的 action also includes posting info so the posting can be automatically created upon action approval.

引发剂 角色将启动操作并将其转发给 班级/薪酬审查(员工)或教务长/执行副总裁(教师).

的 action travels through an assigned workflow before final approval. 每个涉众都将进行审查并继续前进. 所需的工作流程停止审查包括员工的小时, 或者是 教务长办公室 for faculty and 单位/学院审查.


  • 赞助项目办公室(资助职位),
  • Additional approvers such as the dean, second-level supervisor or a fiscal officer
  • AAEEO(搜查豁免或搜查例外批准)


在最后的动作停止时, 小时 will review and make any necessary updates to the position control number, 职位描述, 然后批准行动. 至此,职位描述已经定稿. 小时 然后会发起并发布帖子吗.

该单位可以选择添加投寄文件, search committee members and 客人的用户 at the action stage, or, 他们可以在发起发布时添加它们. 的 搜索协调员 or 单位/学院审查 角色可以访问中的帖子 发布、转发或关闭 状态,并可以添加搜索委员会成员, 客人的用户, 文档, 或者要求根据需要进行其他更改.

After the position has been posted to the U of I jobs listings page, 招聘单位s can initiate additional advertising f或者是 position. 的 就业公平与合规办公室 可供咨询.

第三方广告供应商, 工作的大象, will receive a feed of posted positions and set up advertising through pre-determined venues free of charge to the hiring department.

如果需要额外的广告 招聘单位 会否主动向场地/名单提交意见书, or send an advertising request to 工作的大象 for assistance.

Review of applications can take place at any time after the position is posted. Once the posting has met the first consideration date or closing date, the 遴选委员会 may move forward with deciding which candidates to interview.

搜索协调员 will move applicants who have applied by the first consideration date forward to 要求面试, 储备货币地位, Not Interviewed Not 聘请了 or Does Not Meet Required Qualifications AAEEO.

在获准面试后, AAEEO 会将申请人的身份改为 批准面试, and a representative of the 招聘单位 may reach out to candidate to offer an interview. Any subsequent interviews after the first interview approval are automatically approved, 无需额外审批. Units may move candidates left in reserve forward for interview at a later date.

在最终候选人被选中后 搜索协调员 将应用程序转换为 申请聘用 which will require a justification reason and strengths and weaknesses for all interviewed candidates be uploaded to the Posting Documents section of the posting.

AAEEO will review the request for hire, and if approved, will then move the application forward to 目标薪资计算

小时 或者是 教务长办公室 will calculate the candidate’s target salary based on application materials and enter it into the comments when moving the application forward to 准备好随时报价.

一旦应用程序被移动到 准备好随时报价 the candidate can be contacted and contingently offered the position based on the results of a background check.


的 教务长办公室 drafts offer letters for faculty members and approvals for contingent offer. 有关教师任命的信息,请访问 wolaipei.com/provost/faculty/appointment.

一旦有条件的报价被接受 搜索协调员 可以移动应用程序可以移动到哪里 背景调查. At this time, the 招聘单位 should submit the online request for background check.

一旦提交了背景调查申请, 小时 will send a background check invitation link to the candidate, or, will respond confirming that a successful background check is already on file.

成功完成背景调查后 学校/单位最终 审查可以移动,应用程序可以移动到 聘请了. 并将张贴移动到 填满. 该上船了!


莫斯科,ID 83844



星期一至星期五:早上7:30.m. 到下午4:30.m.

星期一至星期五:上午8点.m. 至5点.m.



电子邮件: hr@wolaipei.com

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